Roberto Abraham

0Posted by Roberto Abraham Scaruffi at 23:02  Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to PinterestLinks to this postCreate a LinkOlder PostHomebitcoin address: 1Q8piWtDZDpJJeYxhrSz49ZdWVi7rVGdQg1Q8piWtDZDpJJeYxhrSz49ZdWVi7rVGdQgscaruffi.blogspot scaruffi.blogspothttp://rscaru.tip.meThe most relevant pages of this blogSe Giorgio Napolitano è un discendente dei Savoia, specificatamente dell’ultimo Re, è vissuto illegalmente (fino al 10 novembre 2002) in Italia. Siccome tutti sapevano e sanno, nel Palazzo, idem all’estero, chi lo ha coperto e lo copre, e perché?STATE/GOVERNMENT GANG-STALKING?! YOU are insane! YOU are criminals! 你們沒面子!States’/”governments”‘ terrorisms. PICS’ SHOW. Make them [in]famous!NOTITIA CRIMINIS. PROGRAMMI STRAGISTI, TERRORISTI, diTERRORISMO SOCIALE N.A.T.O.-STATALitalioti. Esecutori i CARABINIERIstragistiONLY States/governments organize such things and ONLY for STATE/GOVERNMENT TERRORISM!È il Brasile “democratico”, incluso quello di Lula e Dilma, coinvolto nel Terrorismo di Stato e nel Terrorismo Sociale della NATO-SIS-CIA? / O Brasil “democrático”, incluindo o de Lula e Dilma, está envolvido no Terrorismo de Estado e no Terrorismo Social da OTAN-SIS-CIA?ROS, one of the Carabinieri Secret Police Disservices with annexed judiciary0. . . . . . .Search This BlogSubscribe To Posts CommentsSchweigen im Angesicht des Bösen ist selbst böse! / Silence in the face of evil is itself evil!Schweigen im Angesicht des Bösen ist selbst böse! / Silence in the face of evil is itself evil! PagesHomeSTATE/GOVERNMENT GANG-STALKING?! YOU are insane! YOU are criminals! 你們沒面子!States’/”governments'” terrorismsNOTITIA CRIMINIS. PROGRAMMI STRAGISTI, TERRORISTI, diTERRORISMO SOCIALE N.A.T.O.-STATALitalioti. Esecutori i CARABINIERIstragistiONLY States/governments organize such things and ONLY for STATE/GOVERNMENT TERRORISM!È il Brasile “democratico”, incluso quello di Lula e Dilma, coinvolto nel Terrorismo di Stato e nel Terrorismo Sociale della NATO-SIS-CIA? O Brasil “democrático”, incluindo o de Lula e Dilma, está envolvido no Terrorismo de Estado e no Terrorismo Social da OTAN-SIS-CIA?ROS, one of the Carabinieri Secret Police Disservices with annexed judiciaryCo.Pa.Si.R. etc NEW OPTION!Choose Your View!UTC/GMTLinkedininShareROBERTO SCARUFFI ● Independent Political Scientist ● IT Specialist ● WriterRoberto Abraham ScaruffiBerlin, Berlin, Germany• Degree [“doctor”] in Political Sciences [major in Economics] from the University of Turin; • EAP course by the Essex University (score 7 in IELTS); • DEA by the UCL in LLN (Belgium); • completed, and finally [Spring 2002] academically perfect, Ph.D. research by the UCL in LLN (Belgium) [[formal PhD still not awarded since a State/Government-Organized Stalking / Pogrom / Lynching operation mounted from the anti-semitic bureau of the Carabinieri[Italian government]-NATO Secret Police; ask them… ; ; ; ; ; ; information from here: ; the Ph.D. research is academically perfect and it is NOT failed!]]; • Chinese language classes by three universities in China [PRC] and Taiwan [RoC] rscaru@gmail.comView my complete profileMy Great Web pageAn Italic Contemporary WriterAn Italic Contemporary Writer” height=”178″ id=”Image143_img” src=”” width=”150″ style=”border: 1px solid rgb(233, 233, 233); position: relative; padding: 2px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 1px 1px 5px;”> Georg Moshe Rukacs linksrobertoscaruffi.blogspot.comrobertoscaruffi.yolasite.comrukacs.blogspot.comneteditor.netscaruffi.homestead.comrscaru.wordpress.comcasual picslinksBlog Archive▼  2016 (2888)▼  June (276)G.Regeni, classificato a Roma, dai CC-NATO, su dec…ZentrumsextremismusStaatsterrorismus und Antisemit…The 06/18/2016 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:Mateen che…1. SI SCRIVE DAVID ROSSI, SI LEGGE TRUFFA BANCA AN…Il solito complottismo di chi vuole dare a bere ch…New World Order Desperation: the Brexit Fixit Psyo…Partigiano trucidò 54 innocentiIl governo gli dà u…Napoli, 50mila sentenz
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It only State/government terrorism…Valls, con Hollande e gli altri, è un delinquente …Ci sono due programmi NATO per cercare di produrre…ECONOMIA & LOBBYBrexit, votano gli inglesima paga …The 06/15/2016 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:Clinton’s …Sir Clement Freud exposed as a paedophile as polic…15 GiugnoAPESTERIIl guru di Alibaba esalta i falsi…Alf-Ano sta sempre a difendere i delinquenti…What are some spooky historical photos?Brendan Fil…FocusLa baisse des prix du pétrole renverse l’échi…2016-06-15 | NO.20(24) epaper | TSR Editorial Page…Ovvio… Un campione di corruzione-PCI…QUEL BALCONEPAOLO BERLUSCONI BOOM “Volete sapere l…Gli islamici del Pd tifano jihadMa Sala non prende…MondoPerù, un italiano ‘segretodel trionfo’ di Ku…My facebook is…Humans Are Free-Blog Orlando ISIS Shooter Closely …Press TV: Orlando shooting false flag event aimed …Op-Ed Kill List: Smashing the ‘B’ in BRICS By Pep…The European Union Times London’s Muslim Mayor Ban…State/Government Terrorism is the unique threat!June 14, 2016Archaeologists just found a huge stru…Self-Fulfilling Prophecy or Positive Feedback Loop…Why many Iranians are feeling the BernMASOUD LAVAS…Dato che l’ISIS è proprietà del SIS-MI6&5 inglese,…Orlando: America Under Attack By it’s Own Governme…June 14, 2016Meet the top 100 business visionaries…Five Teams. 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It would be tec…►  May (506)►  April (490)►  March (455)►  February (539)►  January (622)►  2015 (7293)►  2014 (6624)►  2013 (7712)►  2012 (9788)►  2011 (9807)►  2010 (14086)►  2009 (6405)►  2008 (5920)►  2007 (1552)►  2006 (2709)►  2005 (131)     AddThis                         Mathaba Newswire» Mathaba News Wire • Situazione esplosiva a Tripoli • Anthem for genocide: why sound and the law need a fair hearing • Paris Terror Attacks Could Paris Attack Be A Mossad Operation • Duri combattimenti a Sirte • Manifestazioni pro Jamahiriya in tutta la Libia • Four Tips To Moving Your Business • Australian Researcher: Phone Radiation is a Hotline to Brain Cancer • Russia to Conduct Observation Flight Over UK Territory • The Russian-Chinese Drill in the Med Sends Signal to US • Why EVERYONE Should Join Flattr • Freedom Summits 2014 – Gunham Jakamarra – OSTF & Sovereignty • Flattr developer update No.5 – What is left behind • Crashed Airbus Plane Could Have Hit Power Lines • Support Mathaba • Easier For More Readers to Comment on Mathaba News Items • Richard Branson Lobbies UN To List Great Barrier Reef As `In Danger` • Moscow V-Day Celebrations to Be Biggest Russian Military Parade Ever Held • `Shame on Them`: Greek Gov`t Slams Western Leaders for Moscow V-Day Snub • Cooperation Between Russia, China Helps Build Fairer World Order – Putin • Venezuelan President: Soviet People`s Exploits at WWII Deserve Gratitude of Entire World • Australian Police Find, Detonate Explosive Device In Melbourne • Saudi King Salman to Meet Obama at White House on Wednesday • Delaware Police Officer Kicks Compliant Suspect in the Face (VIDEO) • Dozens of women turnout for specialised Royal Flying Doctor Service clinic in remote South Australia • Major Port Built On Tiwi Islands Without Environmental Approvals • Second SBS Journalist Punted After Sharing Critical Story About Network On Her Facebook Page • Red Phones: NATO Initiates Hotline to Russia`s Defense Ministry • US Financial Analyst Predicts Inevitable Collapse of US Economy • Mediterranean Naval Exercises to Strengthen Russia, China Relations • French Senator Reproaches EU Leaders for Moscow Victory Day No Show Create RSS Feed – RapidFeeds                            AddThis ButtonShare|                                        Roberto Abraham ScaruffiLoading…Severino Joseph Martelli’s blog fb Like ButtonMy Great Web pagefb like URL        beforeitsnews.comBefore It’s News®AlternativeZakharova: ‘Rebels’ Preparing Chemical False Flag Attack in Daraa, SyriaAfter Deafening Global Outcry, the Brazilian Government Retreats on Plan to Permit Mining in Massive Amazonian ReserveHere Are The Electronics & Apps In Your Home That Secretly Monitor You & Map Your Ho
meFind Out Which Is Your Predominant ChakraDaily Message ~ Friday September 1, 2017Israeli Sanhedrin Outlaws Messianic MarriagesBlack Magic: Satanists Rule The World, Not Politicians, Bankers Or Military HeadsCorporations and Government Engineering a World Where Everyone Will be MicrochippedMI: Mother Pulls Gun to Stop Attack, Claims Self DefenseFollowup MT: Rare Mistaken Identity ShootingGirls with Guns officially launches the Veil Alpine collection for lady huntersKansas University professor wears bulletproof vest to protest campus carryJudge sets October trial date for Cliven Bundy, sonsWA: Truck Theives Assault Wrong Victims, Get ShotWatch: Would-Be Gun Thief Shot By Elderly VictimEmoji’sUS Evacuating ISIS Terrorists from Tal AfarWhat If Money Was No Object? (Video)Most Important Breaking News Headlines Sept 1, 2017The ExperiencePublish your news free at BeforeItsNews.comGet This Widget Roberto ScaruffiLoading… : State Terrorism and Ethnic Cleansing in Canada : State Terrorism, Ethnic Cleansing, Assassinations, Persecutions in Canada State/Government-Organized Stalking in Vancouver B.C., Canada Amazon = One of the numerous site with clearly deception goals on the matter “I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the USA.””I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the USA.”” height=”120″ id=”Image83_img” src=”” width=”150″ style=”border: 1px solid rgb(233, 233, 233); position: relative; padding: 2px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 1px 1px 5px;”> Canada. CSIS: Terrorism and Massacres Sponsor ZERO: An Investigation Into 9/11 (Full Length)STATE TERRORISM. 7/7 Ripple EffectSTATE TERRORISM. 7/7 Ripple Effect, with transcript News: “False Flag” Whistleblower Acquitted in BritainSuppressed News: “False Flag” Whistleblower Acquitted in Britain” height=”42″ id=”Image108_img” src=”” width=”150″ style=”border: 1px solid rgb(233, 233, 233); position: relative; padding: 2px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 1px 1px 5px;”> I’m Not YoursI Don’t Believe YouSome Inconvenient Truths About the National Debt Gang-stalking ALWAYS is STATE TERRORISM! Independent gangs CANNOT exist! Gang-stalking is always and only STATE TERRORISM! GANG-STALKING IS ALWAYS AND ONLY STATE TERRORISM! Only Secret Police / Death Squads Officers, with government and Parliament cover, protected from the STATE SECRET, can create and manage militias. Why?! They want to show that institutions and Statesmen/women, and their militians, are made of idiotic psychopaths and criminals. It is their IMPULSE TO CONFESS what they are!” height=”81″ id=”Image86_img” src=”” style=”max-width:100%;” />

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